Sunday, 17 May 2009

Well, It is Sunday afternoon, the sun is shining and I am writing my first blog post! I should, I suppose, set out my aims for this blog which are to promote the Armadillo Magazine, children's literature and reading.

As a school librarian and editor of Armadillo Magazine, I feel very strongly about exciting children about books and reading, there are so many things that I want to say and so much content that could go into the magazine that I want to be able to bring to you on a regular basis, that I have decided to start this blog.

So watch this space for my weekly news and remember to visit the magazine, read the reviews and other features from my wonderful team and help us to promote literature to and for children...

Louise x


  1. Welcome to your blog !
    Thanks for following mine.
    I will be happy to read about children's book here !

  2. Hello Louise

    great to see you're doing a blog for Armadillo - I'll follow it with interest.

    Good luck and very best wishes

